Welcome to
Carnage House

– this is your trigger warning

What a Waste

by Corinne Pollard

An urban legend that tells of Troy who lost his phone and returns to the bus, determined to retrieve it, unaware that something else he left behind is waiting.

The Final Sacrifice

by H. L. Nicholls

Trouser Snake

by J. Rocky Colavito

Anthropophagy on Ice

by Anna Rose Greenberg

Stories from our current Issue #5

Everything you missed in Issue #1

Everything you missed in Issue #2

Everything you missed in Issue #3

Everything you missed in Issue #4

Because Everyone else has a blog.

Happy Holidays —The War on Xmas Rages On! Qapla!

By: Josh Darling

I don't like themed submission calls. The theme with Carnage House is "Entertaining Splatter/gore/extreme horror," so why throw another layer of complicated on top of that? Why say, "Write that and make it holiday-themed?" So, for funsies, the editorial staff wrote some Holiday Horror that you'll find in the mix. You'll know these pieces because they have a mistletoe illustration. We also did this so all the people who get rejection letters from us can say, "Yeah, the editors there suck as writers." And that is our real gift to you, and maybe kidney stones.

Happy whatever you celebrate.
—or don't.

Musings on Carnage House Year 1.

By: Josh Darling

Here's a concept for a magazine: Operate at a loss while publishing in a freak subgenre. Make the site fiction only. Come for the weird stuff, stay for the sex and carnography.

There will be no reviews of the new Disney Batman movie.

No interviews with Ryan Jackman.

No ugly ads.

Nothing to save the reader from the stories that weep guts.

Add to that a mathematical sense of equality. This is done with a randomized homepage. The stories we publish are great, and there is no way to order greatness.

Magically, it paid off. By "magically," I mean a ton of hard work and luck.

The experience of working with writers, making new friends, and learning so much about writing and the craft has been one of my best experiences.

I know I post soupy messages about how "I'm shocked at how well things are going." For a guy with so many failed projects, having a site with 49,000+ hits since January 1st leaves me dumbfounded. It's easy to say, "Hits are just a number," but it makes me happy knowing our stories are getting read.

A year ago, I struggled with putting Carnage House together. Then Jacque Day Pallone and a mysterious illustrator came on board and helped this along. Carnage House would not have been possible without them.

At the end of issue #3, Jacque and I asked a few writers to help us with Issue #4. Tim Tolbert, Holly Luanne Nicholls, and Michael Errol Swaim, I'm super appreciative of what you bring to the table.

For me, the most important part of our editorial meetings is the chance to thank all of you.

Issue #4 is special because we've made it a year. It's also special because we're publishing an issue with a handful of stories by award-winning name authors. It's shocking to me. I have never felt so lucky, and I am grateful.

Thank you, the editors, the writers, and the readers.

I can't say it enough: Thank you, thank you, thank you.

As one year ends, the next one begins. Issue #5 is open for submissions.

Get at it.

Thank you

Issue #3 Launch

By: The Editors

Twenty-one new stories of gore and terror from some names you recognize, including Ken Hueler, J. Rocky Colavito, Joe Cameron, C. C. Rossi, Alejandro Gonzales, Amanda Worthington, and Holly Nicholls. Also, in Issue 3, appearing in Carnage House for the first time are Lindsey B. Goddard, Corinne Pollard, Basile Lebret, Valerie B. Williams, Kasey Hill, Nora B. Peevy, Jon Carroll Thomas, Aisling Campbell, Benjamin Kardos, Daniel R. Robichaud, Katharine Hanifen, Lee Culloty, and Michael Errol Swaim.

In this issue we have something special from Dr. Chris McAuley and Claudia Christian—a preview of their upcoming Dark Legacies series.

Issue #2 Launch

By: Josh Darling

Issue 2 will go live tonight, March 15h, around 11 PM EST!!!
+20 plus fresh stories of gore and terror from Douglas Ford, Dani Brown, Lisa Vasquez, Moaner T. Lawrence, Michelle Vizinau, Chris W. McGuinness, Ken Hueler, Matthew Hollis Damon, and others!

Issue #2 launches March 15...

By: Josh Darling

Look out for stories from Dani Brown, Douglas Ford, Lisa Vasquez, Matthew Hollis Damon, Chris W. McGuinness, and Moaner Lawrence.

We Are Closed for Submissions

By: Josh Darling

We are currently closed for submissions. Due to the quality and quantity of what we have, it'll take us some time to sort through.

The War on Christmas Begins!

By: The Editors

Seeking winter holiday-themed stories set around Kwanzaa, Chanukah, and more, really any holiday including that one—extra points for killing Santa. The "War on Christmas" issue will include only a handful of stories, so get super gross with it.

DEADLINE: December 13, 2023.

Rocky Gets Reviewed

By: Josh Darling

Rocky Colavito whose story "Jailhouse Slop" appears in VOL 1. of Carnage House scored an awesome review of his book "Shards of Shattered Dolls" on Splatploitation check out the review here:


Coming Soon Illustrations!!!

By: Josh Darling

More stories are slowly getting posted as I'm getting the time to post them. Soon a few illustrations will be up for a handful of the stories. The drawings are done by the New York artist M.

We're Up and Running... ish.

By: Josh Darling

We didn't want to say that we were going to do something and then not do it...

There were a bunch of stepping stones that got tripped over along the way to getting the site up. Because the quality of the fiction that we're posting here is so important to us, a few more stories will be released over the next week or so.

On a fun and terrible side note, we're still bug crushing so give us a heads up if you see any here:

Oh yeah, we have a Facebook page, please like us while there's still space...