Empty eyes, dark and dead.
A stench, vile and acidic.
Hooves crush rock into dust as it ambles closer. Closer.
Its head turns, teeth bared in a sharp snarl as it sets those dead eyes upon its next feed.
I am frozen to my spot, sick with fear.
It swoops a large hand down and grabs me around the waist. Tight, unforgiving.
A rough tongue snakes up my bare legs, grazing against that pretty little triangle between my thighs. Flesh ripping from muscle with a long, deliberate taste.
My pain tastes like copper on my tongue. A scream wedges in my throat, stopped by a clawed hand squeezing there.
Its hollowed eye sockets ebb away with a lack of oxygen. It is merely playing with me like a young child squeezing its pet bunny a little too hard. Teasing, prolonging the kill. Letting oxygen fill my lungs enough to keep me awake.
That same rough tongue pushes into me. Wriggling deep. Taste buds like velcro, raking the soft flesh of my hearth.
Ripping me to shreds from the inside out. Drinking my life force as it greets its snaking tongue.
Agony as it pushes past that tight ring of my cervix. Blinding white pain as my ovaries are plucked and devoured like caviar. Rolling them down its tongue until they fell into its waiting maw.
My consciousness controlled like beer on tap, squeezing to bring that darkness, letting up to stop it consuming me.
I crave death. That sweet end to the unthinkable pain.
It isn’t finished. My caviar was just the starter, and now it wants the main meal.
Its grim teeth rest against my flesh as it dives deeper. Driven by hunger.
The tongue grows and swells. Ripping past my womb to explore my colon. Twisting deeper, pushing well into my chest.
My life is hardly holding on. Something is keeping me alive, dead organs lose their taste.
It doesn’t want dead organs.
Kidneys are harder to eat. That serpentine tongue wraps around the right one, pulling it down through my body and out of me. I feel empty. Empty of pain and empty of that lethal tongue.
It quickly pushes back inside continuing to worm through my torn guts to my other kidney.
Blood bubbles in my throat. But it squeezes my neck once again.
It is hollowing me out of all my nutrition. Carving me like a fleshy vase.
Consuming me until I am nothing but an empty sack of skin. No longer in pain, I watch from the outside.
The beast lowers my skin sack down, sheathing its hardness into it. My head flopped back and forth as it satiated another hunger.
I watch as it finishes. Making my skin sack balloon with hot seed. Nothing but a dirty used condom.
Hikers find my body the next day. Still full of monstrous cum. On the outside, I look swollen and bloated. Police come, and so do the crime scene cleaners. I pop like bad acne. Splashing several police directly in the face.
They don’t need a stretcher to carry me on. I am disposed of in a black bin liner like trash. Carried away and left as an unsolved mystery.
They always forget the crude, twisted antlers that split the sky like tangled branches.