Maybe there is a way out. I turn a corner and shuffle forwards with a new fear. I need to get out. My heart is pounding and God damn, it feels like oxygen is running out. Everything closes in on me. The metal squeezing me so tightly I cannot move forwards anymore. I try to crawl backwards to the wider mouth. That's when I feel it.
I yelp and drop down into an army crawl now. The thing behind me, nibbling my toes, biting through my flesh with sharp gnawing teeth.
A fear so primal courses through my freezing body. Yet still, my prison closes around me. Gripping down onto me, even in an army crawl, I can't move my arms or legs. I can't go forwards, the vents bite down onto my skull so hard I get wedged here. My heart pounds in my chest. I want to be sick.
I swallow a mouthful of half-digested sausages. I refuse to chunder, not here. Not in a place like this where I am trapped and cornered. I'd bang my fists into the metal to get someone's attention, but I know as well as the other security guards the pools are empty until morning. I simply cannot imagine being stuck here all night. No fucking way.
The thing behind me finds my toes again and begins to nibble once more. Chewing through the bone of my big toe like it’s a soft honeycomb. Adrenaline and fear are the only thing stopping the pain from making me pass out. I lash out. Hitting the thing in the mouth with my bloody toes, clacking its jaws together. Even though I hurt the thing that chased me into the pool’s vents, it snarls and powers itself along the curvature of my legs. squeezing between the metal pressing into my flesh.
Vomit escapes my mouth. The stink of rotten sausages and bile thick in my nose as it splashes down into the metallic tube. I wriggle violently, trying to lash around and stop this thing in its tracks. Everything spasms when I feel it's claws against my asshole. I tighten up but this creature pushes forward, pushing its evil teeth into my sphincter and chewing my insides, slipping inside my colon and moving through my innards until I throw it up. Nothing could prepare you for a scenario like this. I know it's there, right in front of my nose, soaked in stomach sausage. The thing screams. The noise rattles around the vents with an ear-piercing tone that makes my ears bleed. So much for going for a cheeky midnight swim in the empty pool… now, I'm being devoured alive in a metal prison, bleeding from the inside out. No one will find me. No one will miss me.