“Oh, God,” he whispered as he finally figured out his buttons. He dropped his pants and turned to sit on the toilet. As a volcano of wet shit exploded from his anus, he noticed someone had vomited all over the toilet seat and bathroom floor. It was cold, and he almost puked. Disgusted, he shot to his feet and slipped while continuing to spray diarrhea. It would have been comical had his head not hit the toilet with a dull thud. He was out cold, laying in the foul combination of excrement and vomit as the steady spray shooting out of his ass finally slowed.
Minutes later, he awoke with a splitting headache. Someone pounded loudly on the door. He lifted his head with a groan and added his own vomit to the collection on the floor when the miasma of revolting smells wafted up and fucked his nose. When he realized what he was lying in, he slowly stood with a desperate attempt to hold it in at both ends. His pants, still around his ankles, were soaked in the vile-smelling combination of liquids. As he finally stood, he wobbled and almost fell again, but managed to grab onto the sink to hold himself up. The headache did not want to go away, and he reached up to touch the sore spot on his head. His hand came away covered in blood, shit, and bits of enchilada.
Whoever was outside pounded on the door again, louder. “Come on, man! I gotta shit!” The voice yelled from outside.
“Hold on, I’ll be out in a minute!” Justin yelled back.
Hastily, he kicked his pants off, slipped the shirt over his head, and used it to scrape as much of the unholy liquids off himself as possible. He took off his shoes and socks and tossed them under the sink, followed by the rest of his clothes. He quickly rinsed his head and face off in the too-small ceramic bowl before he attempted to clean the clothes in the sink as well as he could. More pounding at the door. This time, the hinges moved as the door shook. He was getting irritated. Didn’t this idiot realize it was occupied?
“Hold on, I’m in here! Fuck, just give me a bit! Are you fucking deaf or what?” Justin said.
“Bro, I’m about to shit myself, and you’ve been in there at least fifteen minutes!”
“Go somewhere else, man. You don’t want to come in here anyway!”
“There is nowhere else!”
“Shit outside then, asshole!”
Justin finished rinsing the wound on his head and had to unclog the sink before continuing to wash himself. He was getting used to the smell and leaned over the sink to rinse his arms off as the man outside violently kicked the door. It looked like it would burst open at any second.
“Let me in there before I kick this fucking door down!”
“I’m in here, you piece of shit! Fuck off!”
He bent over to pick up his shoes and socks as the door violently flew open. A giant man wearing a long-sleeved plaid shirt and overalls stood in the doorway looking horrified at the display. He was at least six feet tall and well over four hundred pounds. His overalls barely fit, and the flab at his sides spilled over them. On his head was a red hat cocked over to one side. When the man saw the condition of the bathroom and the naked asshole winking at him, his eyes grew wide in shock.
Ashamed of being seen in such a compromising position, Justin couldn’t help it and let loose with another volley of anal artillery, blasting his ass vomit all over the man. Most of it hit the overalls and dripped down to his boots, but a little got in his beard. He roared in anger and then leaned forward, retched, and put a hand up to his mouth to try to stop it, but the vomit spewed out all over his face and beard. “Fuck!” He exclaimed when he finished, the vomit sliding down his chin.
“I told you not to come in here!” Justin squeaked.
“Goddammit! If it didn’t smell so bad in there, I would come in and kick your ass! What the fuck is wrong with you? Jesus Christ!” He turned to leave, looked back, and yelled, “I’m calling the cops man!”
The big man walked off and stopped a few feet away to blow chunks on the ground before moving on.
“Wait! Please!” Justin pleaded.
The man was already out of earshot.
He closed the door, looked down at the mess he had created, and sighed, wondering how one man could hold such a volume of shit in his bowels. What the police would think if they showed up and saw this? He decided he had better throw on his nasty clothes and get the fuck out before they showed up.
Starting with the shirt, he gagged as it slid across his head. As he began to pull up his pants, he felt an unfamiliar sensation on his buttocks. Something crawled over his ass. Reaching around, he shoved a hand in his pants and felt for it. He touched a slimy, worm-like creature as it disappeared into his crack, heading for his anus. He frantically dug deeper to get it, but it was too late. Whatever it was moved too fast and had slithered inside his body, followed by the tip of his finger, which he pulled out.
Justin felt the creature move around inside him. He let his pants drop and looked down in bewilderment as his dick got hard. Whatever it was must have hit his sweet spot. It slowly worked past the prostate and through his bowels, the large and small intestine, and finally stopped in his stomach. He reached around to finger his asshole again and, with the other hand, grabbed his cock. He started furiously masturbating, not even caring that he was smearing shit all up and down his member.
“Oh, fuck it’s never felt so good,” he whispered.
As he was nearing a climax, someone politely knocked on the door. His dick stayed hard as he stopped jerking off. He wanted to cum so bad it hurt. His stomach felt full as pressure built.
“Anyone in there?” The voice on the other side of the door said.
Justin didn’t care and didn’t bother to answer. Whatever was happening to him had made him so horny all he wanted to do was cum. He started to jerk his cock again as the pressure increased so much that his insides began to hurt, but still, he kept going. His guts twisted with pain as he neared climax.
“Are you okay? It’s Sheriff Borland,” a voice said from outside the door.
He got there fast. He didn’t give a flying fuck who was at the door because an overwhelming urge to blow ass again overcame him, and he groaned in pain. He thought he would vomit again and turned toward the toilet, still violently masturbating, but nothing came out when he retched. It was getting harder to breathe, and the pain in his guts got worse fast. Hunching down over the toilet, he put his free hand on his abdomen. It had grown so much that it looked like he was nine months pregnant. He felt like he would split open. Euphoric pain swelled inside him.
“No, I’m fine!” He screamed.
The creature growing inside him began to push against his anus and expand so much that he felt it start to tear. He screamed in agony as it crowned, stretching the hole, and expanding at an incredible speed.
His whole body started to rip in half as he finally started to cum.
“All right, Justin, I’m coming in.”
The Sheriff opened the door to be greeted by an entire head hanging out of Justin's ass and blood shooting out of his shit-covered cock while his body slid apart. He was so shocked he couldn’t keep his eyes away as he watched the two halves of the body fall to the side and glide to the floor. The cock was pointed up, still shooting spurts of blood like a macabre fountain.
There, in the middle of the two halves of the body, now stood a small semi-humanoid figure that looked like it was made entirely from feces and vomit, and it was rapidly growing.
Justin had given birth to a shit monster.
It sniffed around, and, noticing Justin’s body, reached out with an arm-like appendage and touched one-half of his corpse. It began to suck the flesh into its body and expanded. Then it did the same with the other half. The penis and the bloody meat surrounding it was the last thing to disappear inside the creature’s body with a slurping noise. When it finished it was as tall as Justin had been.
“Christ!” The Sheriff exclaimed.
It heard and snapped its head at him, slowly raising itself to its full height. The overpowering smell worsened, forcing The Sheriff to raise his left arm to put it over his mouth and nose and began to back away as the shit monster began to slither toward him. With his right hand, he reached for his weapon and unclasped it. He clicked the safety off and pointed it at the creature.
He fired two shots at its abdomen, but the bullets disappeared into the monster’s bulk. The only thing it accomplished was to piss it off. It roared and lunged for him. The Sheriff backed away reaching for his shoulder mic to call for backup as he retreated and the beast advanced toward him. He was mesmerized by the creature, the combination of shit, jizz, and blood kept swirling around as if it all kept cycling throughout its entire body.
He clicked the button on the mic. “I need help at the gas station, fast. In the back where the bathroom is,” he whispered.
“Sheriff?” The voice that answered sounded concerned.
“Send help. Now!”
“Copy that.”
The radio crackled.
The Sheriff backed away as the shit monster slithered toward him, leaving a sizeable brown streak on the ground as it moved. Remembering how it absorbed Justin, he moved faster. If it touched him, it was over. As he thought about turning around and running, his foot contacted the curb and he fell into some bushes. It picked up speed and was upon him.
The Sheriff froze in fear.
“Help me!” He screamed.
No one heard.
No one was around.
He didn’t know what to do. He hadn’t been trained to deal with this. No one had. he could manage theft, murder, and dumbass people forgetting how to drive, but this was on a whole new level. His heart pounded. He felt pressure in his chest as he tried to get up, but the creature was already there.
“Oh, God, not like this!”
It reached down, grabbed him by the neck, and lifted him. With his oxygen cut off, he flailed around and kicked, trying to get loose, but its grip was firm. The Sheriff realized he was about to die at the hands of a fucking shit monster and there was nothing he could do about it. His body trembled in fear as it pulled him forward and touched their bodies together. He sank into it. Inch by inch, his body disappeared. He felt a burning sensation on the parts of his body that were inside of it. He screamed as the pain intensified and more of him was sucked in. Soon, only his head remained outside. He let out a final bloodcurdling scream as his body was fully absorbed.
It made a huffing sound, like it was satisfied, and slowly withdrew toward the bathroom. It stopped halfway there, raised its head toward the sky, and made a loud, gurgling howl before entering the bathroom.
A siren wailed in the distance.
More victims were on the way.