Welcome to
Carnage House

– this is your trigger warning

Josh Darling

Josh Darling fell in love with the works of Clive Barker and the anthologies put out by Del Books in the 90s. Throughout high school, he wrote gross stuff. Some of it got published. He started abusing words professionally in 2014 as a ghostwriter and book doctor. Under his name, his stories have appeared in anthologies with Richard Chizmar, Elizabeth Massie, Philip Fracassi, and Gwendolyn Kiste. His horror fiction has appeared in "The Horror 'Zine," "Siren's Call," and numerous publications from Hellbound Books. He started "Carnage House" feeling there are many publishers of splatter/extreme horror books but few for short stories. As an editor, he looks to help writers develop their craft, but primarily, he's famous for being unknown.

Jacque Day

Jacque Day is the Carnage House founding co-editor and the former longtime managing editor for the New Madrid journal of contemporary literature. She works for Crystal Lake Publishing and writes for Memento Mori Ink Magazine. Jacque has zigged and zagged as a magazine journalist, book and magazine editor, radio correspondent, TV producer, motion picture crew member, university lecturer, and occasional comedy writer and producer. Finally embracing the life of semi-recluse, she retreated to the solitude of her home office, where she works and secretly writes paranormal mysteries. Jacque has an MFA in creative writing, but please don’t hold that against her. A member of the HWA, she lives in her home state of Pennsylvania with her childhood-sweetheart husband, Art, a scientist and the love of her life who fully supports every wacky decision she makes. Most recently, she inspired the horror anthology, That Darkened Doorstep, featuring her story, “Seeking a Good Woman.”

Jesse Vogelaar

Coming from a humble upbringing Jesse always had a fascination with all things horror, whether it was staying up late to sneakily watch slasher movies on the space channel, to decorating their walls with Halloween decorations all year round. It wasn't until 2020 that Jesse was shown the beautiful world of extreme literature and became instantly hooked. Email:DeathonDisplay403@gmail.com

Ary Rae

With a love for macabre and a draw to the obscure Ary has always found a loving home in horror.

Beginning with their first viewing of the classic 2005 psychological thriller Hide and Seek Ary was drawn into a world of thrills, chills, twists, and turns that lead them down a rabbit hole of strange media culminating into a classic case of chasing the thrill they felt when they first discovered horror.

During their teenage years Ary found themselves enamored with indie horror literature in the form of creepy pastas, spending countless hours diving into the strange and bizarre worlds created by lesser-known and often anonymous authors, from this point Ary started exploring the more extreme side of horror writings and from this “Branch of Carnage” was born. Focusing on the promotion and reviews of indie horror authors Branch of Carnage has since evolved from its humble beginnings to focus on the promotion of not only authors but also underground punk and metal musicians through a brilliant catalog of photography.

Tim Tolbert

Tim Tolbert is a Pittsburgh-based writer. His work has appeared in ABSENCE, Junto, and Sirens Call. This piece is dedicated to Stormy—without you there are no stories.

Holly Nicholls

Holly Nicholls has been writing since she could hold a pencil. She lives in the U.K., England, with her husband-to-be, is a mother of one, and has way too many stories in her head that need to escape. She enjoys writing in a variety of genres, from children’s books (Curious King Fox), to stomach-churning horror, to poetry. And she will continue to be diverse in what she writes.

Michael Errol Swaim

Michael Errol Swaim is a horror and fantasy author and proud Cherokee citizen. He picked up a pencil and started writing stories before he was even born, and once ate a dictionary and later crapped out a novella. Due to several mishaps, including a liver and kidney transplant, he stopped writing for a time, and now, after a twenty-five-year hiatus, he has returned to doing what he loves most. Michael focuses on horror, but he occasionally dabbles in fantasy and poetry. In addition to Carnage House, he has work in several upcoming anthologies. He also writes film and book reviews for the Weird Wide Web blog. Michael was dropped off by his parents when he was born somewhere in the forests of Green Country, and he eventually made it to civilization and currently resides in Colcord, Oklahoma, with his wife, Mandy, his three kids, and his special princess, Wolfgirl the Cat.