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Carnage House

– this is your trigger warning

Chris McAuley

The highway is silent under a moonlit sky, but Jake “Red” Larkin’s eighteen-wheeler rumbles with purpose. Fueled by betrayal and madness, he has tracked his unfaithful wife and her lover across desolate roads. Tonight, the blacktop will drink their blood, and Jake’s vengeance will carve a path darker than the night itself.

Chris McAuley is a New York Times best-selling and award-winning writer, known for co-creating the StokerVerse franchise with Dacre Stoker, a continuation of Bram Stoker’s legacy spanning graphic novels, books, audio dramas, games, and television. He is also the co-creator of Dark Legacies, a sci-fi franchise with Claudia Christian of Babylon 5. Chris has contributed to iconic franchises like Doctor Who, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica. His Three Musketeers vs. Cthulhu RPG earned an ENNIE nomination and became a comic series. Chris co-owns X-G3 Productions and is an executive producer of the award-winning film The Stranded Warrior. His work has been recognized at film festivals worldwide, including wins at Virgin Spring Cinefest and Sweden Film Awards.

J. Rocky Colavito

Make sure you read the directions, fucknuts, especially when you order something ingestible and are impatient for results. Sometimes the cure is much worse than the malady

J. Rocky Colavito (aka Dr. Damned) writes horror of many types as he transitions into retired life after forty-plus years of college teaching. In addition to short stories appearing in collections and magazines—Grindhouse Resurrection, The Sirens Call, Madame Gray’s Poe-Pourri of Terror, The Horror Zine, the inaugural issue of Carnage House, and a host of others—he is the creator of Buck Neighkyd, former porn star turned occult investigator. Buck’s adventures can be followed in serial form in Caveman Magazine, and his origin story, Creative Control, is available from Quest Omnimedia/The Caveman Adventure Library.

Josh Darling

Not all mall Santas are made the same. Some say "Ho, ho, ho," and others play Xbox and get lap dances from monsters.

Josh Darling is the EIC at Carnage House. He lives in Vermont. He gives writers headaches. His book 9 Horror Stories: The Sequel is available on Amazon.

Edward R. Rosick

In the beauty of a northern Michigan forest, two horny teenagers learn that nature can sometimes be very hungry.

Edward R. Rosick, who also writes under the name C. C. Rossi, lives in the urban wilds of Michigan. He has published numerous tales of speculative fiction in magazines and anthologies including Pulphouse, DOA, and Monstrous Tales, Volumes 2 and 3. His short story, Dead Air, received honorable mention in the 15th annual Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror anthology, edited by Ellen Datlow. His horror novel, Deep Roots, was published in 2022.

Kurt Michael Swaim

Some people can’t accept their fate.

Kurt Michael Swaim is a cancer survivor and fantasy and horror writer from northeast Oklahoma. His first published short story appears in Issue 5 of the splatterpunk e-zine Carnage House. He is currently working on a dark fantasy novel, and lives at home with his family and his cat, Goldmoon.

Michael Errol Swaim

Krampus ruins Christmas, and my ass.

Michael Errol Swaim is a horror and fantasy author and proud citizen of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma who survived a liver and kidney transplant in 2019. His first horror publication can be found in issue three of the e-zine Carnage House, and his stories and poems also appear in several anthologies including Nature Triumphs: A Charity Anthology Of Dark Speculative Fiction from Dark Moon Rising Publications, The Horror Zine Magazine Fall 2024 Issue, and Dead Girls Walking: The Red Volume from Wicked Shadow Press, with many more on the way. He also writes film and book reviews for the Weird Wide Web blog and is an associate editor at Carnage House. He lives in northeast Oklahoma with his wife Mandy, his kids, and four cats.

Corinne Pollard

An urban legend that tells of Troy who lost his phone and returns to the bus, determined to retrieve it, unaware that something else he left behind is waiting.

Corinne Pollard is a disabled U.K.-based horror and dark fantasy writer, published with Black Hare Press, Carnage House Publishing, Inky Bones Press, Three Cousins Publishing, The Ravens Quoth Press, Raven Tale Publishing, A Coup of Owls Press, and The Stygian Lepus. Corinne writes reviews and the weekly newsletter for The Horror Tree. Aside from writing, Corinne enjoys metal music, visiting graveyards, and shopping for books to read. Follow her dark world on Twitter, Threads, Bluesky and Instagram: @CorinnePWriter.

Ewan Hollis

Cryptic messages hide in plain sight.

Ewan Hollis is a budding writer from the quiet islands of Orkney. He lives by himself with an ocean view and two dogs. He owns sheep, which he shears and sells the wool to local crafters, but his ambition has always been to become a writer.

Alexander Hay

All I want for Christmas is the vegan option.

Alexander Hay’s ultimate Christmas album is Panzer Division Marduk by, err, Marduk. This counts because he got it for Christmas that one year. In any case, nothing screams festive cheer like shrieking blasphemous black metal with drums going at 120 bpm. True, the politics and overall vibe are a bit dodgy, but no dodgier than Do They Know It's Christmas? by Band Aid, if we’re being at all honest. The best Christmas song is, of course, Last Christmas by Wham! Alexander lives in North West England.

Holly Nicholls

Medicine has come a long way. It is a shame the doctors have gone backwards.

Holly Nicholls has been writing since she could hold a pencil. She lives in the U.K., England, with her husband-to-be, is a mother of one, and has way too many stories in her head that need to escape. She enjoys writing in a variety of genres, from children’s books (Curious King Fox,) to stomach-churning horror, to poetry. And she will continue to be diverse in what she writes.

horrorotica writer Penny Blood

Babs Juliette of the hit cooking show from Hell, The Sauciest Succubus, really knows how to heat things up and piss people off, all at once. It’s an acquired skill, and it makes for great ratings.

Penny Blood is a horrorotica writer exploring surrealism and alternate reality to convey an expressive range of human relationships while sometimes also confronting taboos and difficult topics. Penny is a huge fan of fashion and costuming and loves any excuse to dress up for the occasion, whatever that occasion may be. And this can hold true for ideas, hopes, and fears as well—sometimes we get to know ourselves best by trying on someone else’s shoes for size, literally… Penny Blood has been published through Limit Experience Journal and Nat1 Publishing.

Bitter Karella

It's just dudes being bros!

Bitter Karella is a writer of gonzo psycho-sexual body horror, best known as the creator of the three time Hugo-nominated microfiction comedy account @MidnightPals on Bluesky. His short story, Low Tide Jenny, originally published in Seize the Press magazine, was a winner of the Brave New Weird award for best new weird fiction of 2022 by Tenebrous Press. Her work has also appeared in Bag of Bones’ Step into the Light, Tenebrous Press’ Your Body is Not Your Body, Ghoulish Books’ Bound in Flesh, and From Beyond Press’ This World Belongs to Us. Find Bitter at www.bitterkarella.com.

Michael Errol Swaim

Sometimes you gotta take a big shit, then it hits the fan.

Michael Errol Swaim is a horror and fantasy author and proud citizen of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma who survived a liver and kidney transplant in 2019. His first horror publication can be found in issue three of the e-zine Carnage House, and his stories and poems also appear in several anthologies including Nature Triumphs: A Charity Anthology Of Dark Speculative Fiction from Dark Moon Rising Publications, The Horror Zine Magazine Fall 2024 Issue, and Dead Girls Walking: The Red Volume from Wicked Shadow Press, with many more on the way. He also writes film and book reviews for the Weird Wide Web blog and is an associate editor at Carnage House. He lives in northeast Oklahoma with his wife Mandy, his kids, and four cats.

Nora B. Peevy

Frank is a real shit and Buddy can’t get rid of him because they’re attached to one another.

Nora B. Peevy is a cat trapped in a human’s body. Please send help or tuna. She is an Olympic champion sleeper and toils away for JournalStone-Trepidatio Publishing as a submission reader and reviewer for Hellnotes, and reads scripts for The H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival. Nora writes nonfiction articles for the Weird Wide Web, is a syndicated author for Thrill Ride eZine, and does editing for Unveiling Nightmares in addition to freelance editing. Her quirky tales are published by Eighth Tower Press, Carnage House, The Sudden Fictions Podcast, Unveiling Nightmares, and other places. For the Sake of Brigid, her first novelette just came out on May 24th, and her first novel, Flesh-eating Turtles!!!, will debut in December 2024 or early 2025.

Jack Lantey

There’s a reason you don’t share everything with your roommates.

Jack Lantey was born in California but was quickly excommunicated to the wastelands of the Midwest. Growing up an asthmatic between the rows of corn, he found safety in movies, comics, and books. A former playwright, comic book writer, and filmmaker, he now works as a commercial producer by day and steals time to write at night when he’s not busy with the five dogs he sublets a room from.

Hannah Birss

In the shadows at the edge of the city, the Rattleman lives.

Hannah Birss (she/her) is a writer and aspiring magpie based out of Ontario, Canada. She lives with her partner, children, and multiple animals. She can usually be found in a nest constructed of books, writing journals, and shiny trinkets. Her first collection of horror short stories, A Slightly Stranger Point of View, is forthcoming from Graveside Press in August of 2025. Follow her on Instagram or threatds @hannahbirsswrites or at hannahbirsswrites.carrd.co for news on upcoming and current publications, with forty-five and counting for 2024/2025.

Anna Rose Greenberg

Man is a dish best served cold.

Anna Rose Greenberg is a Virginia-based writer of weird fiction. Her work has appeared in Strukturriss, a journal of experimental fiction and Schlock! Webzine, a horror periodical. She specializes in future worlds not quite our own and nightmare landscapes populated by strange inhabitants of uncanny towns. When not writing, Anna Rose reads tarot, and has previously deejayed radio shows on German and Eastern European rock, metal, and industrial music. She lives with her two guinea pigs, Baba Ghanoush and Razzle-Dazzle.

Pixie Bruner

An upper respiratory infection has a secret life and needs lots and lots of leg room.

Pixie Bruner (HWA/SFPA) is a writer, editor, and cancer survivor. She lives in Atlanta with her doppelgänger and their deranged cats. Her dear ones call her Queen Bitch. She dug deep inside her to cough up something to meet Carnage House standards. She’s editor of Memento Mori Ink Magazine’s “Morsus Vitae” Literary Magazine—exclusively for MMI newsletter subscribers. Recent big projects are The Body As Haunted (Authortunities Press) and Nature Triumphs : A Charity Anthology of Dark Speculative Literature. Her words are in/forthcoming from Space & Time Magazine, Hotel Macabre (Crystal Lake Publishing), Star*Line, Weird Fiction Quarterly, Penumbric, Angry Gable Press, and too many more. She wrote for White Wolf Gaming Studio. Werespiders ruining LARPs are all her fault. She is a 2024 SFPA Pushcart Prize nominee and the 2025 Rhysling Award Chair. They have not turned the current on to the Chair…yet.

H. L. Nicholls

Coming soon.

Holly Nicholls has been writing since she could hold a pencil. She lives in the U.K., England, with her husband-to-be, is a mother of one, and has way too many stories in her head that need to escape. She enjoys writing in a variety of genres, from children’s books (Curious King Fox), to stomach-churning horror, to poetry. And she will continue to be diverse in what she writes.

Rob Tannahill

A group of elitists and their children torture the homeless to feed their Queen.

Rob Tannahill is the author of the Prince Junkie. His writing has appeared in Strange Sex 3, Yale Program of Community Health (PERCH #7, Substance), Weird Fiction Quartertly (Masquerade), and others. He is a regular contributor to Dark Moon Rising Publications anthologies as both author and editor. He is a recovering addict/street urchin.